Page38: The Tycosian Dragons!

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The Tycosian Dragons  

(Everything you ever wanted to know about dragons but were to lazy to ask!)

The Tycosian Dragons: I admit that I really don't know much about dragons. No one knows everything about dragons not even dragons themselves but here is everything I know about the dragons in my stories. Remember not all dragons are the same and Dragons like people are all different what applies to some may not apply to others of their kind!

Dragon's: Not just the dragons in my stories but most dragons in general were originally going to be discussed on this page but unfortunately my knowledge of the dragons from this world and others is very limited and besides there are to many different types it would be to hard right now to research every type of dragon besides someone already started something like that. Anyways what I do know of other dragons comes from stories and from input from others online.

A Dragons Color's: This wouldn't apply to all dragons because dragons like people are all different. The most common dragons were of the color's black, golden, yellow,  green, white, and red. The color's had little to do with the dragon's personality but some had different skills and sizes gold's were bigger then others and some other color's had slight changes in size  but it was mainly an adaptation to there environment. Blacks and grays usually hunted at night - Greens usually lived near forests - tan's yellows and gold's lived near mountains- whites usually lived in colder areas. These were just the more common colors they could also come in blue or other colors.

Red's/bronze = Said to be of the fire element these dragons often lived near mountainous areas they are like many others of there kind, average sized but capable of a breath weapon fire they lived in all areas and were mostly nomadic.

Yellow/Golds = These dragons often lived near mountains the gold dragons were the largest of the dragons often reaching up to fourty feet. The yellow dragons were similar but the average size of about thirty five feet neither had a breath weapon these two types usually had larger wings from other dragons their colors were adapted for hiding in a mountainous area or desert like region..

Greens = The green dragons were quite common they usually lived near forested regions and often did not fly except to hunt, they could hide themselves from danger by blending in with the surrounding foliage they often came with patterns on there scales and some had venom they seldom had a breath weapon.

Blacks = These dragons lived near the tops of mountains and hunted usually at night they were of average size but they were a little more slimmer and very skilled hunters some had venom or acid as a result felt they were superior to others they were often but not always more arrogant then the others of their kind.

  Silvers = Often regarded as a guardian of balance they are in fact a hybrid from  black/white dragons they are often a little smaller around eighteen feet compared to the average of twenty five feet they are capable of skills that other dragons usually have difficulty with they could also shapeshift and they were also one of the quickest in flight.

Whites = The whites were very odd because due to the color of there skin they could live in warmer climates and colder climates but often they lived in colder climates they were rare compared to the other dragon colors.

Scales/Skin:  The types of skin, scales or Hyde slightly depended on the dragons environment though the most common was scales some had smaller scales similar to Hyde few dragon's had anything similar to fur or feathers. But the common trend was a dragon with large thick scales weaker near the belly.

Breath Weapon: We never used breath weapons but others of our kind did. Some breathed fire others had extremely cold breath others spat venom usually the red tan and copper dragons all had fire breath weapons the black dragons had venom the whites had very cold breath even when out of there environment. Also certain green dragons also had a breath weapon.

Communication: Most of the dragon's communicated through telepathy some had mastered the power to speak a language and some other dragons usually the red ones communicated through a complex system of growls and motions for example a quick bow of the head symbolized submission or agreement.

Dragon Society: The dragons were social creatures but because of there large size and diet they seldom gathered in packs of more then six there were some exceptions like the Sycala clan which had almost fifty. That was usually uncommon though they would usually break up and separate after the food became scarce although some families may stay together for many years. Many dragons chose to be nomadic wonderers it meant more food for them and less responsibility. In the dragon groups usually depending upon the type it was much like a wolf pack were either the strongest or wisest dragon was the leader.

Dragon's Wings: With only a few exceptions the dragons all had wings the wings were built mostly for gliding and not for rapid flapping the bones were light much like a birds and with an exception of Wyverns the wings were separate from the forearms they grew from the back and could be folded to the side while moving on the ground running was always a struggle because they would open involuntarily. The wings were bat like with a thin membrane connected to the body if damaged it could be permanent the wings were very difficult to heal so in battle they were often protected. While flying they are opened like a kite or glider and flapped only to gain altitude or speed. We preferred to take off from a high cliff because ground take off's were very difficult and required allot of strength. When flying we steered by leaning towards the direction we wanted we used are tail as a router and often glided on thermals.

Dragons Tail: Obviously all the dragons had tails usually there tails were about the length of their bodies some had longer tails very seldom were they short. there tails were sometimes used in flight but were also used as weopons while on the ground they also provided balance the dragons could stand upright for a short period while balancing on their hind legs and tail this could allow them to appear larger then they actually were and could be used as intimidation to a possible threat or it could also allow them to reach higher. The dragons tails usually ended with a webbed spade others ended like that of an average lizard and a certain few had a furred patch at the tip of there tail.

Dragon's Size: The largest dragons were no larger then forty feet and they were usually the gold dragons the smaller dragons were on average around ten or eighteen feet the smallest dragons were about 10 feet the average for the dragons were about twenty or twenty-five feet. So the dragons of were often between a common size of