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    Names of Dragons
    AFD's Names of Dragons

    The following are as many languages as we could find for the word DRAGON.
    Thanks to all the dragons on Alt.Fan.Dragons, and various people around the world,
    and books like
    "Things That Never Were" for their input!
    Note: some of these are Phonetic and not actual spellings.

    African: nrgwenya

    Afrikaans: Draak

    Arabic: ah-teen (pl. tah-neen), (Al)Tineen, Plural: (Al)Tananeen

    Athebascin (Alasken): Manchu

    Austrian: Drach`n, Lindwurm

    Bulgarian: drakon (phonetic), äðàêîí (Actual spelling)

    Catalan (N/E Spain): drac

    Chinese: lung/long, Liung (Hakka dialect)

    Chinese: old & new:

    Croatian/Serbian: zmaj (pronounced "zmai" means Dragon), azdaja (pronounced

    "azhdaya" means Hydra)

    Czech: Drak, Dráèek (Draaachek)

    Danish: drage

    Dansk: drage

    Draconian: Khoth, (pl. Khothu)

    Driigaran (music language): C4 G4 C5 D5 B5 C5

    Double-Dutch: dridi-gag-dridi-gen

    Dutch: draak

    Elven/Drow: Tagnik''zur

    Egg-Latin: Dreggageggon

    English: dragon

    English (Middle): dragun, dragoun

    English (Old): draca

    Enochian: Vovin (Voh-een)

    Esperanto: drako, dragono

    Estonian: draakon, lohe, lohemadu or tuuleuss (Wind Snake), lendav madu

    Euskera (dialect of the Basque Country): Erensuge

    Faeroese: eitt dreki, eitt flogdreki, ein fraenarormur

    Finnish: lohikäärme, draakki, dragoni

    Fire Witch tongue: Katash wei'' vorki (kah-TASH whey VOR-key)

    Flambian: kazyeeqen (comes from kazyee-aqen, fire lizard)

    Flemmish: Draeke

    French: dragon,dragun, dargon

    Gealic: Arach

    German: drache (pl. Drachen), Lindwurm, drake (pl. draken)

    Greek: drakon, drako. Male: drakos (or thrakos), Female: drakena (or thrakena)

    Greek (ancient): Male: drakkon (or thrakon), Female: drakkina (or thrakena)

    Hawaiian: Kelekona, (plural) Na Kelekona

    Hebrew: drakon (plural) drakonim, Tanniym

    Hungarian: sarkany

    Icelandic: dreki

    Indonesian: Naga

    Iranian: Ejdeha

    Islamic: th''uban, tinnin

    Italian: drago, dragone, volante, dragonessa

    Japanese: ryu, tatsu

    Jibberish: gidadraggidaen (pronunced "gid-a-drag-gid-ah-en")

    Klingon: lung''a'' puv (pronounced loong-AH poov) "Flying Great Lizard"

    Korean: yong

    Latin: draco, dracon, draco, dragon, dragoon, serpent,serpens

    Luxembourgian: Draach

    Middle earth Ency.: Angulóce: generic, Ramalóce: winged dragon, Urulóce: fire breath dragon

    Malay: Naga

    Milanese (Italy): Dragh, Draguun,Dragoon

    New Zeland (Maori): tarakona

    Norse: ormr

    Norsk: drake, dragonet, liten drake

    Norwegian: drage

    Oppish: dropagoponop (pronounced drop-ag-op-an-op)

    Ourainic Barb: Duxobum

    Philippines: male: dragon short o, female: Dragona with a short o and a

    Pig-Latin: Agon-dray

    Polish: smok

    Portuguese: dragão

    Quenya (elven): Loke, winged: Ramaloke, sea: Lingwiloke, fire: Uruloke

    Reinitian (of Reinita): Dralaghajh

    Roman: draco

    Romanian: Dragon, (pl. Dragoni), Zmeu (pl. Zmei), dracul, drakul

    Russian: drakon

    Sanskrit: naga (type of snake-human-dragon)

    Slovenia: Zmaj = Dragon, Hidra = Hydra.

    Spanish: dragón, El Draque, Brujah

    Swedish: drake, lindorm

    Swedish (Ancient): flugdrake, floghdraki

    Swiss German: Drachä

    Tagalog: drakón

    Thai: mung-korn

    Tibetan: Brug (this is pronounced in several ways depending on dialect, DROOK, being the most common. Only in Ladakh is it ever pronounced BRUG)

    Turkish: ejderha

    Ukraine: drakon

    Vietnamese: Rong (poetic), rng (regular)

    Welsh: Ddraig

    Yugoslav: Zmaj, Azdaja

    Zulu: uzekamanzi

    ~http://www.dragonfire.org (Alt Fan Dragons / AFD), yr. 2000)

    Copyright © by Jafira Lair-Digital Journal and Dragon Resource All Right Reserved.

    Published on: 2012-07-25 (16361 reads)

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