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Please.. Don't take any of this too seriously... Please... I was young and Stupid..

(These were obtained from a medicine wheel / "spirit circle" in the deserts north of Apache Junction Az)


Electronic Voice Phenomena:

Best EVP'S:

Listen to EVP: This long EVP was found on a Spirit Circle Investigation with Kisai Skyla and myself, it appears to say "Being investigated, your borne soul, who are thee, the dead, we are the dead, I don't believe Philip can get it" (Kisai's name is Philip and he is generally skeptical.)

Listen To EVP: During a Spirit Circle investigation we passed an oil drum which had been dumped in the desert, I talked about it as we continued our journey, this EVP, we later found seems to say "Drums are investigated"

Listen To EVP: A Spirit Circle Investigation with Kyouneko, Skyla, and Kisai, I shout "come talk to us" and a phantom voice seems to say " "We can talk, We can talk, with you, just give me a host, ista usta"

Listen To EVP: One night riding my bike home from college I was recording myself talking, when I played it back I noted a segment of gibberish, it seems to say "Well f**k them(?) no wait shes dead, - or no way he's gay" = open to interpetation

Listen To EVP: When I played back the above segment of EVP, backwards it seems to say "Can no-one help us"

Listen To EVP: During one investigation to the Spirit Circle I was listing off the supplies I had brought, and was interrupted by some interference on the recording, after isolating it, I believe it is a female saying "I'm Paulina"

Listen To EVP: During the same Spirit Circle investigation that we recorded the Paulina EVP, we also discovered another female "voice" which appears to be saying "I'm over here".

Listen To EVP: One day me and Kisai were walking down a street near the Spirit Circle's location and I was talking about my investigations, there was a large thunderstorm at that time and I jokingly took lightning bolts to be a sign of encouragement from "the gods" (any gods, as I was joking) as further proof that caffeine is bad for me, Here is the excerpt:

Me: "I love my ghost tests" *lightning above us* Me: " Whoa!" Kisai: "awesome" Me: "I have been dedicated to my field of study, and the gods approve!" "Did you see that? The gods approve of my study! Hear that?! Listen to that! Record it!" Kisai: you know what..? I ah, I would be, ah f**k...(EVP: That time again!) Me: "THE GODS APPROVE HAHA!!" *After my scream* (EVP: Dick -or did- f***er, no I didn't." *lightning flash* Kisai: "woah, awesome" Me: and I still have like ten minutes of tape left" *another lightning strike* Me: "the gods approove! Do the gods approve of your hobbies?" (EVP: I Do!) Kisai: No, nobody approves of anything I do. (another "I do"evp appears over Kisai's voice at the end.)

Basic EVP'S :

Listen To EVP: My First EVP, it was obtained at the Spirit Circle, me and my friends were looking for proof of the explosion and this was discovered on our recorder later, it is believed to be saying "Help Me"

Listen To EVP: The Second EVP I obtained, it was also discovered after leaving a voice recorder at the Spirit Circle for a short period, It is believed to be saying "Get Me Out"

Listen To EVP: A friend Kyouneko talking during a circle investigation, as she talks to me and Skyla, a phantom voice interrupts her and seems to say "No, quit doing it, stop it"

Listen To EVP: A random response, me and my group were speaking, when we were interupted by this EVP "Our Presence Known!"

Listen To EVP: This EVP was recorded at the Spirit Circle, my friend Kyouneko was scolding me for scaring a bird, a phantom voice seems to taunt me saying "Yeah"

Listen To EVP: During a sole investigation to the Spirit Circle I examined a nearby tree where I had photographed an orb, the five minute recording midway through there appeared to be "a sigh".

Listen To EVP: One night while recording for EVP's within my house I went to the door to let my cat in, the cat was outside meowing, it came in and I fed it, when I played the recording back, I hear the cat meow, and a few seconds later a phantom male voice appears to say "Hello Cat" or "What was that"

Listen To EVP: Kyouneko my friend, being stupid, orders us to "chant already" regarding their silly "sealing cermony" After she orders us to chant. An EVP appears to respond. It sounded like "help us, help us" but could be anything.

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless, but if you play it backwards it says "I brought the Camera"

Listen To EVP: Some days after discovering "The Gods Sequence", I jokingly recorded in the general location that "obviously the gods didn't approve" a voice seems to have responded "you can say that"

Listen To EVP: This is a comparison of the Dickf***er insult found in both the "Gods sequence" and the start of the gibberish phone message that had arrived a few months later.

The insult is the same in both of the recordings providing further evidence of the possible paranormal nature of the phantom insult.

Phone Messages:

Listen To EVP: This Message from an unknown name, unkown number, caused much disturbance within my household and an outcry from family for me to cease investigations, it was a one minute phone message of pure gibberish, it would have been considered a corrupted call, if it were not for the fact that it started out with the exact same insult that occurred the day of the storm where I both first met SpiritEye and was insulted by an EVP. An attempted translation is available below.

*loud Screech* Dickf***er!! I'm in the eye, oh what the? They're back at the clock with that thing, Help Me.., careful with it stop it.. Back! F**k. we're complementary, trace the call? We've got a good visual, Well we do have a gate … f**k *gibberish* *gibberish* You've got a good spirit light *gibberish* The Gate.. *gibberish* call them back I can't talk with this? *gibberish* you did? Try this! *gibberish* I see you, jerk! don't let them out *gibberish* that didn't work... Ah! Not working! *gibberish* Back.. Hello? A minute to one! Get with it! Uh, I think it hung up.. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? water, pickup!, Hello? It's about to hang up! Hello? just about now..

Listen To EVP: This is an answering machine message, unknown name, unknown number,which came about a month after the last message, it appears to say "I just came to ask how I could Best do for you, but your not here!"

Listen To EVP: This is an EVP which appeared on my answering machine, like all the others, it was from an unknown name, unknown number, it appears to be referencing a family member of mine and seems to be saying "Is this thing Bobbie?"

Listen To EVP: This is an EVP which appeared on my answering machine, like all the others, it was from an unknown name, unknown number, it appears to be a female voice saying "Try and find me" and is followed by another phone message a week later, same voice, but I can not understand the message.

Listen To EVP: This is an EVP which appeared on my answering machine, like all the others, it was from an unknown name, unknown number, it appears to be saying "I'm Fine, See!"

Listen To EVP: This is an EVP which appeared on my answering machine, like all the others, it was from an unknown name, unknown number, it appears to be referencing a family member of mine and seems to be saying "Bye, Bobbie" But if you Reverse it, it seems to have a male saying "Say hello" and a female saying "Help!"






Unknown EVP'S:  

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless, "freakish sounds"

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless. "Female Voice"

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless. "Another Female Voice"

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless. "Possible Child EVP?"

Listen To EVP: This is a strange interference we found on one of our recordings after a Spirit Circle visit, it cannot be understood and appears meaningless. "Gibberish"






















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