Patriotic Rant

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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religous town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religous dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists of belief systems and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Religion in schools Rant

(By Jafira)

There is one thing that I'll never understand, first, I must admit that I'm from a more or less religious town, so it might be different in other places, in any case one of the things that drives me completely insane is when churches try to inject religion into schools, I can't stand it. So, I'm going to cover this once and for all. Okay, case in point, prayer in school, people need to understand that prayer is strong and alive in school and I support that, most would disagree. Here's the deal, prayer is a personal conversation between yourself and your creator and you can talk to your creator anywhere and anytime even on school grounds, so there is prayer in school.

I don't Ever want to hear whining that they took prayer out of schools. What they did was they took "Public Prayer" out of schools, that is, prayers forced down the throats of students from the intercom or through public speeches. Preventing prayers from being forced down the throats of the unwilling is not stopping prayer, it's being fair. Get over yourselves you have no right to force your beliefs on an entire student body and then whine and sue when your told your not allowed to do that. Get over yourselves you pharisees! I know your argument, your trying to win souls for Christ, well forcing it down others throats only pushes them away, think about your actions you communist zealots!

A public school is for secular education, please use your mission work on your own time, such as during lunch with friends, or off of school campus, keep it out of my ears and the ears of the unwilling, your attempts to pray out loud are an insult to us heathen scum and you know it, which is why you do it, please stop insulting us, work to make conversions in a way that does not anger people and think with your heart and not your overzealous pride. God is in our schools, but he is not to be forced upon the unwilling.

Your expressions of faith are between you and your creator, it is not a personal relationship if your flaunting it pridefully to the community around you. There is a place for religious expression and that is called church, and people are free to go there at any time, don't tell me your losing religous freedoms when you can't preach on school grounds, when you are allowed to advertise your church in the media and everywhere else and have a church on every block, your own radio stations, TV stations, a three million strong internet army, communsist control over the morality of our country and your God on all of our money! You are not being oppressed in America, free thinkers are, we are the minority.

You don't need to be praying in my school, Public schools and colleges are the last bastions of scientific clear thought for our citizens and we don't want you forcing your faith into our facts. There is a method to converting heathens and that is through friends and fellowship, not public pronouncements to the heathen masses, learn to fulfill your commission properly or prepare to reap what you sole.

There is a reason that religious fellowship is falling globally, and it is not Evilution, homosexuality, or secular public education. The reason religous fellowship is falling is in fact the fruition of your own actions in response to those occurrences. You have done this to yourself because you are intolerant overzealous, forceful, and outright annoying holier then thou lawsuit happy Pharisees and apostates.

I fear the lord frowns upon your actions, but commends you for your efforts and forgives you for your failings, However I don't forgive you! I say that those of my generation, who are Christian, must stand up to the fundamentalists and stop them, or your religion will be dead within the coming decades, don't believe me? Look at Europe, get your religion out of school, and find other ways to spread your message without looking like annoying bible thumpers or prepare to see society turn against you.

~Jafira Dragon

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