RANT: Obesity Problem

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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religious town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religious dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Rant: Obesity Problem

(By Jafira)

There is one topic that I wanted to quickly touch upon, obesity. Yeah fat people, not mildly over weight people or those with their silly beer bellies. No I'm talking about those who can't even walk, those who need an electric cart for transportation. I am not kidding, my ex-girlfriends mother was so obese that when she got out of bed her leg broke and still had not healed three years later. If she fell down, it took six firemen to pick her up. I'm talking about people like that! I understand that there is a cultural war on obese people and that they are a wildly discriminated class of people. But please, I appeal to you, if you know somebody this fat, you've got to do something, don't let people get this way, they need psychological help, they need medical attention, surgeries, and encouragement not discrimination.

They need to be able to at least stand up without breaking their leg, otherwise they are going to die in bed and that won't help anyone. Please, I appeal to you obese people, I beg you, I understand how hard it is, but you've got to help yourselves, you've got to commit to bettering yourselves, think of what you are doing to your family, think of what your doing to yourselves. If you are so obese that you cannot walk without the aide of a machine or a tool, or if you are so obese that you cannot leave your bed, then you are sentencing yourselves to a premature death and a meaningless life.

For your family and friends and most important of all for yourselves get help. Put aside your fear and get the surgery if you need it, commit to exercise, fast if necessary do whatever it may take to better yourselves. Don't throw your life away! You are important and loved, don't try to tell yourself that you are not. I have faith that you can better yourselves. For those who are overweight but not to the extent above, I understand the pain you must go through, I encourage you to work to be better, don't trust diets alone they don't work, Ever. Go hiking, weekly, explore new places, ride a bike, enjoy life and have fun, so long as you are out of the house you will lose pounds, feel free, feel better, and be treated with the respect that you deserve as a human being, overweight or not.

I personally give into the stereotype that obesity is a choice, however I am aware of the genetic factor and I sympathize. However genetics are not who you are, you can change who you are if you want, or you can be yourself if you want, it is your choice as an individual. But to those who cannot live their life anymore due to the extent of their obesity I simply say, think of your love ones and what they're going through, and most importantly think of what you are doing to yourself, you can be better, but only if you make the effort and never give up.

~Jafira Dragon

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