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:: Disclaimer: I am from a religous town and as a result, I have a lot of anger at religous dogma, many of these rants may be against deeply held beliefs, I try my best to make it a point to target only the the hardcore fundamentalists of belief systems and not the moderates but please, if you are likely to be offended please do not read these rants.::

Fight Rant

(By Jafira)

There is one problem with society that angers me a lot, “You” you anger me, because you don't fight for anything, nobody fights for anything anymore, Do you care when politicians lie? If so, why don't you do anything about it? Speak up, riot, do something. Do you care when gangs trash your neighborhood? If so, why aren't you doing anything to stop it, why are you not waiting in alley's and pwning them individually? Why aren't you crossing out their lame graffiti? If you don 't like the way things are then why aren't you rebelling against it? If your being tormented by someone why not gather allies and get vengeance at least defend yourself, inspire some fear, anything why take it? Why don't you stand up for yourself anymore?

Nobody fights anymore, and because nobody has the courage to fight, nothing changes, we are a generation of cowards and I for one am upset by that, people need to learn to stand up and fight for what they believe in, and if it upsets society so be it! In the past, there was something known as the sixties revolution in which a group of hippies from some town tried to change the world with a utopian view of society, they failed of course but they freaked out a lot of people in the process, and that is what we need more of, research the sixties, see how the hippies you laughed at viewed life, if you don't like what the government is doing, speak out, it's unpatriotic Not to use your freedom of speech and don't let any one tell you otherwise, if your creative and others tell you to stop, use your creativity against them, you know what I'm talking about and you know what needs to be done.

We live in a society were those in power, the corporations, the governments, and the social elite want us to fall in line and obey, obey societies rules for the common good! I ask you, what is good for you the individual? Do you really want to believe what everyone else believes? Do you really want to be the same as everyone else for the common good? What is good for the individual is good for society, fight back for your freedoms, question authority you are not ants, and you shouldn't be treated like ants, I'm not saying use violence, I'm not saying join some hippie commune in the forest, all I'm saying is that you should stand up for your individuality, stand up for your beliefs, don't let anyone keep you down and never be afraid to speak your mind, because when you remain silent, you are giving a green light for oppression.

I am not advocating violence, (minus pwning individuals who need it.) I am not advocating burning down buildings, or shooting up your school, I just want you to stand up for yourself, don't be controlled, wear what makes you comfortable, not what is fashionable, buy generic, not what the corporations want you to buy, create what you want, not what others want, and remember, that the more the mundane factions of society are freaked out by you, the more that you are doing right to bring about the change this world needs.

All you need for life is food, shelter, education, a job, some money and a good friend, how you get these things are up to you, but don't ever choose to sacrifice who you are to get these things and never cease to question why, never stop standing up for who you are, and what you believe in, you are an individual, not an ant, not a machine, and you should have pride in that, be different from others, make this world your own, make a difference in your world on a daily basis, convert others to your views, always keep on fighting for what is right and free, and never allow yourself to be controlled.


~Jafira Dragon

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